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By Lauren Izso And Mohammed Tawfeeq

Israeli minister says ground offensive in Rafah will begin by Ramadan if hostages aren't returned

By Lauren Izso and Mohammed Tawfeeq

Israel will launch Rafah offensive if hostages not returned by Ramadan

BRUSSELS, Belgium (CNN) — All European Union countries except Hungary warned Israel on Monday against launching an offensive in Rafah that could lead to a humanitarian crisis, as Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz reiterated that Israel was prepared to launch a planned Rafah offensive during Ramadan if a hostage deal is not reached by the time the Muslim holy month begins later this month.

In a statement, the EU foreign ministers said they were "deeply concerned" about the potential for a "major escalation of violence" in the Gaza Strip, and urged both Israel and Hamas to "exercise maximum restraint" and "avoid any action that could further destabilize the situation."

The EU's warning came as Gantz said in a televised address that Israel was "prepared to launch a planned Rafah offensive" if a hostage deal is not reached by the time Ramadan begins on April 23.

"We will not hesitate to take any necessary action to protect our citizens and our country," Gantz said. "The price of inaction is too high."

Humanitarian groups have expressed concern about the potential consequences of an Israeli offensive in Rafah, which is home to some 170,000 Palestinians.

The United Nations has warned that an offensive could lead to a "humanitarian catastrophe," and has called on Israel to refrain from any action that could put civilians at risk.

The Israeli government has said that it is committed to avoiding civilian casualties, but has also said that it will not hesitate to use force to protect its citizens.


The situation in the Gaza Strip remains tense, and the risk of a major escalation of violence remains high. The EU's warning and the concerns expressed by humanitarian groups underscore the urgent need for a diplomatic solution to the crisis.
