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Early Life And Family Lineage

The Rise of Mohammed bin Salman: Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince and De Facto Ruler

Early Life and Family Lineage

Mohammed bin Salman is the seventh son of King Salman of Saudi Arabia and the grandson of the nation's founder, King Abdulaziz. Born in 1985, he is the first child of Prince Salman and a member of the Sudairi Seven, a group of influential siblings. His mother, Hassa bint Ahmed Al Sudairi, was one of King Abdulaziz's many wives.

Political Ascension

Mohammed bin Salman's rapid rise to power began in 2015 when his father ascended to the throne. As the deputy governor of Riyadh and later the defense minister, he played a key role in shaping Saudi Arabia's domestic and foreign policies.

In 2017, King Salman named Mohammed bin Salman crown prince, effectively making him the de facto ruler of the country. This move was unprecedented as it bypassed his older half-brother, Mohammed bin Nayef, who was previously seen as the successor.

Vision 2030 and Economic Reforms

Mohammed bin Salman has unveiled an ambitious economic and social reform plan known as Vision 2030. This plan aims to diversify the Saudi economy away from oil dependence, promote privatization, and encourage foreign investment.

His reforms include privatizing state-owned companies, introducing new taxes, and allowing women to drive. He has also invested heavily in technology, tourism, and renewable energy.

Aggressive Foreign Policy

Mohammed bin Salman has also taken a more assertive foreign policy stance compared to his predecessors. He has led a military intervention in Yemen and played a role in the blockade of Qatar. He has also pursued closer ties with the United States and Israel while distancing Saudi Arabia from Iran.

Controversy and Kritik

Mohammed bin Salman's rise to power and his policies have not been without controversy. He has been criticized for his crackdown on dissent, his alleged involvement in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and his authoritarian style of governance.

Despite the challenges, Mohammed bin Salman remains a powerful figure in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East. His vision for the future of the country and his aggressive foreign policy will continue to shape the region for years to come.
